The Sim-Trans Group LLC is a leading company that has been operating in the grain market and rail transportation since 2010.
Sim-Trans Group LLC is a multifunctional company with many years of experience in the agricultural industry and in the field of trade in grain crops, flour and flour products, refined vegetable oil. All goods comply with the requirements of International Standards and are supplied with all required certificates and declarations.
В настоящее время, основным направлением поставок пшеницы компанией ООО «Сим-Транс Групп» является Республика Азербайджан. Также поставки зерна осуществляются в Грузию, Турцию, Казахстан, Узбекистан. На сегодняшний день компания имеет более 20 действующих контрактов на поставку пшеницы. По результатам 2021-2022 года наша компания вошла в тройку крупнейших экспортёров пшеницы для Республики Азербайджан.
В последние несколько лет производители и экспортёры зерна в России сделали невозможное – восстановили статус РФ как зерновой сверхдержавы. Утверждение, что Россия способна накормить зерном весь мир уже не кажется таким уж фантастическим. ООО «Сим-Транс Групп» несколько лет уверенно увеличивает объёмы экспорта зерна в Республику Азербайджан, Белоруссию, Грузию и пр.
The professional financial department of the company, distributing cash flows, invests in developing agricultural complexes, peasant farms and agricultural production cooperatives in Russia. Working closely with agricultural producers, Sim-Trans Group LLC helps them to sell their products profitably on the domestic market and abroad. The company provides a range of services for the conclusion and support of contracts and execution of documents in accordance with the legislation and regulations on foreign economic activity.
Long-term cooperation with producers of grain and oil crops, vegetable products, allows us to build a reliable chain from farmers to the end consumer.
Currently, the company purchases grain crops at elevators in the Russian Federation.
Sim-Trans Group is a full member of the Agribusiness Industry Charter n the field of agricultural products turnover.
“The situation that has developed in recent years, when the actions of individual market players endanger almost all exporters and processors of agricultural products, is unacceptable. It is beneficial for the participants of agricultural products turnover that everyone conscientiously bears the tax burden in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out turnover and export of agricultural products using transparent methods, avoiding the multi-stage process of resale agricultural products, so that all market participants form an intolerant attitude towards companies that evade paying taxes (end quote)”
The Sim-Trans Group Company both now and always has been examining actively explored new interesting projects.
Considering that humanity has almost exhausted the possibilities for a significant increase in arable land, in order to increase the needs of the ever-growing population of the planet, agriculture needs to switch to technologies that allow qualitatively and quantitatively increase the yield of fields, while reducing the environmental burden on the environment. Our company closely follows the issues and trends on the agricultural market. We are in search of challenging and forward-thinking partners for implementation of joint innovative projects.